
Your Daily Supplements

Supplements are a great way to make sure you are getting all the proper nutrients needed for optimal health. We recommend all golfers take these three basic formulas as part of your daily intake:

1) Multi-Vitamin complex – a good multivitamin should be part of every golfer’s basic diet plan. This helps supply all the recommended daily vitamins and minerals that most of our diets are lacking. Make sure your multi-vitamin is highly bioavailable (easily absorbed into your body).

2) Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s) – EFA’s or fish oils are considered some of the most important nutrients in the human diet. Your body does not produce these essential fatty acids and they must be taken in an individual’s diet or supplementation form. EFA’s Help promote cardiovascular health by controlling cholesterol and triglyceride levels. They also promote optimal joint function, brain and nervous system function, and help control inflammation in the body.

3) Antioxidants – these supplements are directly linked to living a longer and healthier life. They help control free radicals, which can damage cell membranes and alter normal DNA. We are all exposed to excessive pollutants and chemicals every time we step on the golf course. This supplement is an essential part of a golfer’s program

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